Thursday, November 15, 2012

Dificulties to Cultivate Mushroom

Mushroom is a part of fungi world. Some mushroom being cultivated by human because of their delicate taste. Many fungi be cultivated like shitake mushroom, button mushroom, paddy mushroom, and oyster mushroom.

Each or mushroom have their specific condition to grow. Shitake mushroom should be cultivated in cold weather, button mushroom and oyster mushroom should be cultivated in warm temperature while paddy mushroom will have better growing at hotter temperature say 30 to 35 Celsius degree.

My experience on cultivating paddy mushroom, have many parameter should be control to make this kind mushroom want to grow. Room temperature and humidity of the media become the most important key to make this mushroom make micelium, after that they need humidity and air to build mushroom body. Media also the important key to covert micelium into mushroom body, without fertile condition of media, micelium won't make their fruit body.

See the picture below of my experience of cultivating mushroom in a vase.

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