Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fish Fungus

Fungus consist of white threads known as hyphae that grow through organic material. The hyphae from distinctive patches on fish that resemble cotton wool. Its different with mouth fungus infections in aquarium fish are frequently confused with true fungal infection, but compared with fungal hyphae, mouth fungus filaments are distinctly off white to gray in color.

If fish mucus layer is damaged, fungus can quickly develop, particularly if the fish is living in dirty or in unhealthy conditions. Cereless handling is a common cause of fungus, but other common causes by fin nipping and fighting among fish.

Other factor that can cause fungus is environment stress, presumably because of fish exhibit a weaker immune response when they are not properly taken care of. Chilling, poor water quality and inappropriate water chemistry are also the reasons why an aquarium fish develop fungus. Keep brackish water fish in freshwater conditions can also lead to fungal infections.

Fungi include on species of Achyla and Saprolegia, often reffered to collectively as water molds. Breaking down materials, such as feces, leaf litter and uneaten fish food that usually present in aquarium can cause the growing media for fungus.

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